3d Logo Animation – The Evolution of Your Brand-Identity

Employing After effects text cartoon is one of the basic tools in logo design animation. In terms of media cartoon one Logo intro animation of the first design decisions and which tool is best for the job will depend on if your logo is generally text and can be represented by using a text tool the animations that are available for text.

Discussing first look at how you would go about animating your logo in case it is mostly a text emblem with some graphic features. One of the powerful set of presets in the Clayish After Effects arsenal is the text animations. Nearly everything you can think about, everything you have seen from text tumbling away of the sky, to sliding in from part or another, to changing colors and glowing exists as a text predetermined.

For a simple research, use the text tool to create your company logo text, choosing your quality font. Create a simple backdrop that contrasts with your text. Directly across from the text ‘twirl down’ arrow is the ‘Animate’ feature with really twirl down set of animate features. Choose ‘position’ under animate. You will immediately see a new component under your text message, ‘Animator 1’ with it can own position component and a ‘Range Selector’. Twirl open the range selectivo to see ‘start’, ‘end’, and ‘offset’ options, each with it’s own stop watch indicating that each property can be animated.

Today turn to the condition you created. It is a shape. If you open the layer, you will see the individual word shapes, shapes for each and every of the characters in your word. I selected the first letter to be the apex of my slingshot for a bit more depth and screen occurrence. Zoom in on the smoothness somewhat and you see it is manufactured out of linked dots.

With your selection tool, select a group of them, form a rectangle surrounding the ones you want, moving your mouse button with the choice tool highlighted. You will see the methods selected filled articulating you have selected them. Now move the group around a little bit. Get the versatility you have. Lug them down, left, right seeing that as you drag this group, this partial section of your character, you are ‘stretching the fabric’ so to speak. You are extending and expanding that part of your condition and it narrows just was it would appear in the event that you where stretching an supple object.

Click on the stopwatch at time ‘0’, move your timeline to 3 seconds and move the Start value to 100%. Scrub the fb timeline then preview your movement. You will observe your text slipping ‘out of the sky’. For starters simple setting that will add another touch of diversity with a single switch, look under the ‘Advanced’ section of your Range Selector for ‘Randomized Order’ and click this from off to on. Now once your heroes animate onto the level, they appear randomly. This is certainly a very popular impact with movie and tv set introductions, commercials, and of course, site logos.

Now, all we have to do is apply a little shatter. Really, ‘right out of the box’, shatter effect will be all you need but it too has many parameters to play with so have fun there too. This would be great in a logo animation to generate a declaration, a bang, a sketched out presentation, a building climax, when the point explodes, so does your logo! This is great fun and a very easy trick, with New world.


If you need logo animation intro video that looks like it’s made in Hollywood for a price of an dinner then you should check those guys at Quince Media. They did awesome work for my logo. I am using this logo animation video as my Facebook page cover video. Recommended.



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